AirBOX mini 2way - box with 2 valves and pressure switch

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332,80 €

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AirBOX mini - with 2 valves - Front/Rear system

AirBox Mini is small box with valves, pressure sensor and wiring inside. With 1m cable ended with socket for connecting our 3-button remote control. Just plug the box our wired remote control, power and pneumatic tubes and is ready to work. The box has outputs for each axle and the power supply to the compressor.

Builded with Pneumax valves
In other price we can make it with  HAFNER or Metal Work valves too

The kit includes:
- Air-BOX mini - alluminium box
- 2valves type 5/3  - 1/4" Pneumax  (or  Hafner / METAL WORK)
- pressure sensor  110/145PSI
- relay VIAIR
- ports for 6mm airhose
- socket for contorller
- socket for compressor conect

Optional features:
Remote wireless control

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