Spring isolator pads - Suzuki Vitara

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72,50 €

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  We recommend suspension's isolator pads Suzuki Vitara

Suzuki Vitara 88-95 /short/

  Versions: 50 mm i 30 mm (optional)

The sale includes: 
isolator pads under springs

We would like to kindly inform you that formally, after the installation of such distances in accordance with applicable regulations, an annotation in the documents regarding the change of the vehicle height is required.

We manufacture polyurethane parts that replace frequently wearing rubber elements in sensitive points of the car.

Polyurethane Suspension Elements - improve the precision of driving your car. They increase the stability of the geometry set in the reviews. They perfectly dampen vibrations and are not subject to the destructive effects of their working environment. They are oil-resistant, tolerate solvents, gasoline and 10% acid solutions well. By investing in PEZ, you increase the comfort and safety of driving.

Attestation + 2 years of warranty!

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