The NX Stage 2 Diesel systems include heavy duty controllers that can read up to 100psi of turbo boost.
It has two dials to set the start and full points to tailor the delivery to your engines needs.
This system progressively injects more or less water-methanol, according to manifold boost pressure.
Progressively injecting according to boost pressure allows for the most power over the widest range of rpms.
This is the typical starting point for a mildly modified modern 3/4 or 1 ton truck with an aftermarket exhaust, intake and chip or programmer.
It is capable enough for trucks running large or compound turbo systems as well.
These kits allow for great horsepower increases and EGT reductions expect about 70hp and 250 degree F EGT drop.
Kit includes: UHO (Ultra High Ouput) Pump and 3 Quart Reservoir and Bulkhead Fitting and Digital Variable Controller and 2 Nozzles To Cover a Wide Range of Horsepower and All Required Hardware Needed For Installation and Comprehensive Instructions\n